Grayscale is the degree of lightness that a color can have from light to dark. Grayscale is the deciding factor in displaying the number of colors for the use of data-based display technology. In general, the higher the gray level, the richer the displayed color, the finer the picture, and the more apt to show rich details.
The gray level mainly depends on the number of digital-to-analog conversions of the system. Of course, the system's video processing chip, memory, and transmission system must provide support for the corresponding number of bits. Currently LED display is mainly used:
One, 8-bit processing system, that is, 256 (2 8th power) level grayscale. A simple understanding is that there are 256 kinds of brightness changes from black to white.
Second, the 10-bit processing system, which is 1024 (2 to the 10th power) level gray. A simple understanding is that there are 1024 brightness changes from black to white.
Third, the 12-bit processing system, that is, 4096 (2 of the 12th power) level of gray. A simple understanding is that there are a total of 4096 brightness changes from black to white.
Fourth, 14-bit processing system, which is 16384 (2 of the 14th power) level gray. A simple understanding is that there are 16384 brightness changes from black to white.
LED display brightness level how to identify
The brightness discrimination level refers to the brightness level of the image that the human eye can distinguish from the blackest to the whitest. As mentioned earlier, the gray scale of the display is very high, and can reach 256 or even 1024 levels. However, due to the limited sensitivity of human eyes to brightness, these gray levels cannot be completely recognized. In other words, it may be that many adjacent gray levels appear to be the same in human eyes. And the eye resolving power is different for each person. For the display screen, the level of human eye recognition is naturally as much as possible, because the displayed image is for people to see. The more brightness levels the human eye can discern, the greater the color space of the display, and the greater the potential for displaying rich colors. The brightness discrimination level can be tested with dedicated software, and the general display can reach 20 or even better levels.
Now some domestic control system vendors called 4096 grayscale or 16384 grayscale or higher all refer to the grayscale space size after nonlinear transformation. 4096 is a non-linear transformation technique that uses 8-bit source to 12-bit space, and 16384 is a non-linear transformation technique that uses 8-bit to 16-bit. Nonlinear transformation by the 8-bit source, the conversion space is definitely larger than the 8-bit source. Usually at least 10 people. Like grayscale, this parameter is not as big as possible, and generally 12 bits can do enough transformation.
What are the brightness requirements for the screen brightness?
The general brightness requirements are as follows: (1) Indoor: >800 CD/M2; (2) Semi-indoor: >2000 CD/M2; (3) Outdoor (sit north facing south): >4000 CD/M2; (4) Outdoor (facing south) :>8000 CD/M2.
What are the brightness requirements for red, green, and blue components in white?
The contribution of red, green, and blue in white color quality is not the same. The root cause is due to the fact that the human eye's retina feels different for different wavelengths of light. After a large number of experimental tests, the following approximate ratios are obtained for reference design:
Simple red, green and blue brightness ratio: 3:6:1
Accurate red, green and blue brightness ratio: 3.0:5.9:1.1
In summary, it is not difficult to see that the gray screen and the brightness of the LED display are related to each other and they have their own differences. The gray value and the brightness are not the larger the better.
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