Safety Protection Starts with Dolls - Sidelights of "Lan Xiang Cup" Children's Painting Contest

According to statistics, in the United States from 1960 to 1973, there were 166 accidents involving oil in fires and explosions caused by static electricity. In Japan, about 100 static fires occur each year, of which about 20% are fires caused by human electrification. As we all know, the static electricity generated by sparks and flammable and explosive gases, liquids, dust and other substances, the potential safety hazards generated are quite serious, so anti-static protective clothing in gunpowder, chemical, pharmaceutical, petroleum, mining, coal and other industries, Not only does it protect personal security, it also protects the property of the country and the company.

As a Chinese professional wear market with 700 million industrial workers, anti-static safety protective clothing is still in the stage of development and popularization in China, and it is imperative for safety protection to be picked up by children.

On December 17th, 2013, at the inauguration ceremony of China's industrial antistatic textile R&D center, Yao Mu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, awarded prizes to the winners of the “Lanxiang Cup” and “The Most Beautiful Laborer in My Mind” children's drawing competition. The scene attracted the special attention of the guests attending the ceremony. Being able to accept the grandfather's awards was a rare opportunity for the children. Perhaps, it will have a positive impact on their future life. After the “The Most Beautiful Worker in My Mind” painting contest was published in November of that year, it received nearly a thousand works in less than a month. The children were depicted with rich imagination, bold brushwork and gorgeous colors. The most beautiful workers in their minds are the sanitation workers in space suits, the fruit farmers who are working joyfully in the "Lanxiang" orchard, the oil workers and coal miners in anti-static clothes, and the white angels who help the wounded. It vividly explains the vision of “providing safety, health and comfort to industrious and intelligent industrial workers”.

Therefore, the children have a more comprehensive understanding of the “Blue Xiang” brand fabric, deepen the awareness of safety protection, and embody the sense of social responsibility of the Blue Sky Sea – safety protection should be started from the baby.

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