The Schottky diode is a hot carrier diode. Schottky diodes are also known as Schottky barrier diodes, which are low-power, ultra-high-speed semiconductor devices. Schottky diodes are widely used in circuits such as inverters, switching power supplies, and drivers as low-voltage, high-frequ…
From April 15th, 2008 to April 18th, 2008, China Software Testing Center (CSTC) conducted a special technical research test on “Haochen General Computer Aided Design Software ICAD2008i†developed by Suzhou Haochen Technology Development Co., Ltd.
The water-cooled beam can be cooled by water to ensure the operating environment of the furnace. Usually it is U-shaped structural design, but it is limited to the influence of water-cooled pipe material and water pressure fluctuation. This kind of beam is more prone to water leakage and co…
Ms. Xue's home was completed and completed, and her friends and relatives received favorable comments. He called the newspaper and invited the reporter to visit. She told reporters that although her home was just a few days old, there was no "decoration" in the house, because…
The advantages of the MQL system include:
1. The synthetic grease and grease with high decomposability are used as lubricants. After processing, the cutters, workpieces and chips are still dry, no waste liquid treatment is required, no harm to the human body and no pollution to the…
64-year-old teacher Huo had unfortunately got advanced lung cancer. He had surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the hospital. Since Mr. Huo's hospitalization began, his wife has been escorting his beside him every day, taking good care of him, and washing his face with tears a…
4cm magnetic card data collector Mini300 in the factory default settings is to require users to set th…
Recently, the reporter learned from the Guizhou Provincial Office of Lightning Protection that, in Weining Autonomous County, a severe lightning strike involving five deaths and one injury occurred within a day. Experts specially reminded the public that during outdoor…