Steel pipe smashed in a migrant worker's helmet to save his life

When Yang He, a Haikou migrant worker, was working on the construction site, a two-meter-long steel pipe fell from a height of 24 meters and hit his head. Fortunately, he wore a helmet and recovered a life. At present, he is undergoing treatment at the People's Liberation Army 187 Hospital. There is no danger of his life.

According to Dr. Hong Liangchun’s introduction, Yang Hehu’s wounds are about 1 cm deep and reach deep into the periosteum. If the wounds are well restored, they can be taken out of the hospital for a week or so and recuperated at home.

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Lampholder Lamp Socket

A lampholder, also known as a lamp socket or light bulb socket, is a device that holds a light bulb and connects it to an electrical circuit. It typically consists of a base, which is connected to the electrical wiring, and a socket, where the light bulb is screwed in. Lampholders come in various types and sizes to accommodate different types of light bulbs, such as incandescent, fluorescent, or LED bulbs. They are commonly used in lamps, light fixtures, and other lighting applications.

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