Orchard base fertilizer is suitable for autumn

The so-called orchard application of base fertilizer is to apply late-acting or semi-late-acting organic fertilizer to the late-maturing varieties of fruit trees after harvesting, and to apply some quick-acting fertilizers. According to the survey, in the northern areas, before and after fruit picking, some fruit farmers did not apply base fertilizer in the fall due to objective reasons or fertilization habits, and the time for applying the base fertilizer in autumn was extended from autumn to spring before the fruit trees sprouted and flowered. The author believes that the fruit tree is still applied in the autumn.

The benefits of autumn fertilizer

1. Conducive to decomposition of organic fertilizer: Before and after fruit picking in autumn, the temperature and ground temperature are still high, suitable for the reproduction of microorganisms, accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in the soil, and release various nutrients needed for fruit trees.

2, is conducive to wound healing: autumn is the third growth peak of the roots of fruit trees, root growth is fast, and the amount of roots is much. The roots and roots of the wounds caused by fertilization are easy to heal, which can reduce the immersion of the bacteria on the plants and improve the disease resistance.

3. Conducive to the absorption and accumulation of nutrients: After the application of the base fertilizer in autumn, due to the decomposition of organic fertilizer and the appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer input, the soil nutrients are added in front, which can meet the nutrient demand of the fruit trees, and supplement the nutrients consumed by the tree body due to a large number of results. Promote the restoration of tree potential and the accumulation of nutrients in the tree, which is conducive to improving the cold and frost-proof ability of fruit trees and ensuring safe wintering. At the same time, it also prepares the material basis for the germination differentiation, the flowering of the leap year, the result, and the growth of the spring shoots, improves the fruit setting rate, and reduces the flower drop and fruit drop. According to research. In the late September to early October fertilization, 60.7% of the nitrogen is distributed to the roots, and most of the nitrogen stored in the nitrogen is distributed to the buds and the basal leaves, as well as the germinated leaf buds. The autumn application of base fertilizer also increases the content of refined amino acids in the new Shaopi layer, which is better than the spring application. Long-term experiment on apple trees, autumn application of base fertilizer, apple tree germination quality is high, fruit set is increased, fruit quality is improved.
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