Many industries use labor insurance products during the production process. The selection and distribution of these products are more particular.
In general, gloves are used. In order to prevent injuries to the hands, it is necessary to select suitable gloves. For example, gloves, such as metal gloves or yarn gloves, used in heavy environments such as hardware machinery or chemical industries are common to many industries. Gloves, easy to wear, reasonable price, long life cycle is the first choice for many companies.
It is mainly divided by gram weight and coarse spun yarn. The grammage some are relatively thicker, and the spun yarn is denser than the roving, and it is selected according to the customer's different use environment.
There is also an anti-cutting glove: it is mainly to prevent the human hand from being scratched in the production process, a kind of metal gloves. Wire gloves are made from countless small rings. Its role is to protect the hand from being cut during the operation of the cutting machine. It can be divided into three fingers and five fingers. Zhongfang provides labor insurance gloves, such as cotton gloves, anti-cut gloves, yarn gloves, nitrile gloves, etc. are all customers preferred products.
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