Discrimination and Analysis of Misunderstanding of Soft Body Armor

The misunderstandings of the understanding of soft body armor are now engaged in the research of human body protection equipment. In contact with users, some inaccurate knowledge of soft body armor is found, and it is proposed to discuss with readers and users.

One of the misunderstandings: wearing bulletproof vests on the battlefield is safe. This recognition appeared when the bulletproof vests first entered the market. At that time, people lacked the concept of bulletproof vests, thinking that bulletproof vests could prevent any bullets from threatening the whole body. In fact, body armor is a kind of single body protection that protects human deadly organs (mainly heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and some neck, shoulder and crotch) from projectiles such as high-speed fragments and bullets Outfit. Among them, the predecessor is the key point to be protected, because the war is mainly face-to-face shooting, and sometimes the protection performance is improved by inserting a shield on the front chest. Moreover, each body armor has a certain level of protection. According to the provisions of the public safety industry standard GA141-2001 "General technical conditions for police body armor", the body armor is divided into 6 protection levels, of which 1 type protection 64 type 7.62mm pistol (lead core) bullets launched by 64 type pistols, 2 Type 51 7.62mm pistol (lead core) bullets launched by 54-type pistol, Type 51 7.62mm pistol (lead core) bullets launched by 79-type light submachine gun, Type 51-1 launched by 54-type 54 pistol 7.62mm steel core projectile, 7.62mm 51-1 type steel core projectile launched by 79-level light submachine gun with 5-level protection, and 56-type 7.62mm steel core projectile launched by class 6 protective 56-type semi-automatic rifle.

â–² The state of the woven fabric being impacted by the warhead â–² The basic structure of the soft body armor shows that the main function of the body armor is only to improve the survival probability of frontline combatants, but it is by no means a universal product on the battlefield. Even if you wear body armor, you may be hit outside the protected area, and you may also be hit by a bullet higher than its protection level. In these cases, the body armor appears helpless. However, body armor can really reduce the casualty rate on the battlefield. According to survey statistics, the fragmentation injuries of artillery, grenades, rockets, grenades and mines on the modern battlefield have gradually increased, accounting for 67% to 75% of the total casualties. In addition, among the killed, the deadly parts of the head, chest, and abdomen The hits accounted for 82% to 87%, far exceeding the death rate of the limbs being hit. Wearing body armor can reduce the injury rate by 27% and the death rate by 40%.

Misunderstanding 2: Since bulletproof vests are bulletproof, there is no problem with the threat of puncturing bayonets and daggers. This awareness is more common among users. On the surface, the bullets can be prevented, and the threat of sharp knives, sticks and other sharp weapons should be no problem, but it is not. Because the impact of high-speed bullets on the body armor is different from the weapon's hacking and impact mechanism, the energy dispersion of the former mainly disperses or consumes the energy through warhead deformation, fiber breakage and shock wave propagation, and the knife punctures the body armor. Mainly relying on the shearing principle, the energy dispersion range is relatively narrow, especially the bayonet with a sharper head is more difficult to prevent. At present, there is no type of soft body armor products on the market that can pass the 900N force puncture resistance test specified by the GA68-1994 standard, nor can it reach the dynamic 25J puncture performance specified by the upcoming new anti-puncture clothing standard. Of course, soft body armor has a certain anti-stab effect, and its anti-puncture ability depends on the structure of the body armor (mainly the structure of the bullet-proof material). If you want the anti-puncture effect to meet the standard requirements of anti-puncture clothing, you can only choose a special anti-puncture clothing. At home and abroad, products with both bulletproof and anti-stab effects are being researched.

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