Rice fertilization "five look"

1. Look at the tip of the leaf: the second leaf outside the heart leaf of the rice is longer than the third leaf, which proves that there is no shortage of fertilizer in the field; if the second leaf is as long as the third leaf, it indicates that the field is lacking in fertilizer, and the rice grows weakly. Must be fattened and promoted.

2. Look at the heart leaf: The heart leaf of the rice grows up and is light yellow, indicating that the rice needs topdressing; if the heart leaves grow out, it is open-type, green color, which proves that there is no shortage of fertilizer in the field.
3. Look at the leaf pillow: the distance between the leaf sheath and the leaf pillow of rice is long, which proves that there is no shortage of fertilizer in the field; if the distance between the leaf pillow and the leaf sheath is short, it means that the field is lack of fertilizer.
4. Look at the leaf color; the inverted 2 leaves of rice are darker than the inverted 3 leaves, which is normal growth, and there is no shortage of fertilizer in the field; if the inverted 2 leaves are lighter than the inverted 3 leaves, it proves that the field is lack of fertilizer and needs topdressing.
5. Look at the root system: rice is growing and developing. The root system is very important. As the saying goes: "White roots have strength, yellow roots are not strong, black roots send life." Explain that rice white roots do not have to topdress; yellow roots have to topdress; black roots are more than just fertilizer problems, but also to release water to rest the field, see its growth trend, as appropriate Miao, see the field, look at the phase with fertilizer.
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