Onion-free cultivation of pollution-free fertilization technology

The cultivation of onions in production has a strict seasonality. The main producing areas of onions in China, especially the export product bases, are concentrated in the middle latitudes. Most of these areas use the wintering cultivation method of autumn broadcast and open field. They can also be nursed in the early spring protection area, planted in spring, and harvested in summer.

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      1 Cultivation of strong seedlings: The application period of onion seeds is one year. The germination test should be carried out before sowing, and the germination rate should be more than 80%. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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     Nursery nursery should choose soil fertile, loose, and water-retaining. The plots of onion, garlic and cotton have not been planted within 2 to 3 years. The decomposed organic fertilizer is 45,000 kg/ha, which is shallowly cultivated and made into flat. The nursery field should be isolated from the production field. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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     Choose high-quality varieties suitable for local planting, such as Tianjin 荸荠 flat onion, Nanjing yellow skin, Beijing yellow skin, Beijing purple skin, Shanghai red skin, Zibo red skin, American yellow skin, Fuji Zhongsheng and so on. The seed quality meets the requirements of Grade 2 or above in GB8097-1987. Refusal to use GM onion varieties. Soak the seeds in water for 5 minutes, then soak them in hot water at 50 °C for 20 minutes. Stir them constantly, remove them and dry them for direct seeding. After the seedlings are unearthed, keep the soil moist and water once every 10 days. When the seedling height is about 10 cm, carry out the seedlings and chase the compound fertilizer 120-150 kg/ha. Watering after topdressing 2 times. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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      2 heavy application of base fertilizer, timely planting: the appropriate time to plant onions before winter varies with climatic conditions. When the average temperature of the day drops to about 10 °C, the growth of the shoots is slow, and the roots are still active in the soil. At this time, the seedlings grow new roots before the soil is frozen, so that the seedlings are good for safe wintering. The growth effect before planting is also minimal. The root of the onion has a weak water absorption capacity, a high yield, and a large amount of fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer. Onions should be avoided for continuous cropping, and it is better to use melon and fruit vegetables before fertilization. Before planting, the organic fertilizer is applied to 45,000 to 60,000 kg/ha, mixed with compound fertilizer of 450 kg/ha, and deep-turned into flat. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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      Onion seedlings have a high survival rate. In order to slow down the seedlings early, the roots should be less damaged. After the seedlings are removed, no roots, no growth points, short, slender seedlings and long leaves with long leaves, seedlings, and pests are removed. Divided into 2 grades according to size, the diameter of small bulbs is 0.6-0.8 cm, and the leaves of 3~4 leaves are first-grade seedlings; the diameter of small bulbs is 0.4-0.6 cm, and the three leaves are secondary seedlings. The oversized Miao Yi was convulsed in advance, and the small seedlings were vulnerable to freezing damage. Planting is carried out according to the level at the time of planting, so that the field grows neatly and consistently and is easy to manage. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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      After classification, the pseudo stem was soaked with 40% dimethoate 600 times to kill the root stalk that sneaked into the sheath and immediately colonized. The planting depth is preferably about 3 cm buried in the soil of the pseudo-stem base of the seedling, and watered immediately after planting. The planting density is most suitable from 375,000 to 450,000 plants/ha. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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      3 skill application of top dressing: Onions planted before winter, after the slow seedlings, enter the wintering period, in order to make the onion seedlings fixed in the open field safely winter, before the soil is about to be frozen, timely watering the winter water, sprinkle a layer of horse dung or hay, Keep warm and keep warm. Before returning to green in the next year, remove the grass in the sputum, timely cultivating, increase the ground temperature, and promote root growth. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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      Leaf growth phase is an important period for the establishment of strong leaf assimilation organs and developed root absorbing organs. In this period, it is crucial to ensure sufficient supply of fertilizer and water. It should be topdressed twice in time. For the first time, when the leaves are vigorously growing, apply compound fertilizer of 225 kg/ha. The second time, when the leaf growth is about to end, apply compound fertilizer. 225 ~ 300 kg / ha, or decadent manure and fertilizer 45,000 kg / ha. Combined with top dressing and timely watering. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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      Beginning to apply the head fertilizer in the rapid expansion period of the bulb, apply it 2 to 3 times, apply 450 kg/ha of compound fertilizer each time, or make 15,000 kg/ha of cake fertilizer, and combine it with 4 to 5 days. 1 time of water, promote the rapid expansion of the bulb. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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