1 The purpose of the teaching material
The teaching material can accelerate the healthy development of the gastrointestinal tract, and exercise the gastrointestinal function of the suckling pig as early as possible to achieve early weaning, which can ensure the maximum digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract during the late fattening stage, thereby maximizing the overall benefit of the pig farm. .
2 Establish an industry-recognized standard for measuring the quality of the teaching material
There are a lot of publicity about the early teaching materials on the market, and some are worth promoting. Starting from the benefit of pig farms, the author puts forward the following criteria: The quality of the teaching material is measured by the time when the cumulative feed intake is 600g. The shorter the time, the better the quality. The pig farm can be compared and tested to select the shortest time product to maximize the benefits of the pig farm.
At present, for pig farms, the largest investment in equipment is the delivery room. Therefore, improving the turnover efficiency of the delivery room is an important measure to improve the efficiency of the entire pig farm.
As far as the economic efficiency of pig farms is concerned, the length of sow feeding time determines the cost of pig farms. Therefore, the shorter the time spent on each litter of healthy piglets, the shorter the time of weaning after weaning, and the cost. The lower the efficiency, the greater the benefit.
For fat pigs, the economic benefits brought by early weaning are obvious. Early weaned pigs can also get early exercise in the gastrointestinal tract, and their ability to digest and absorb nutrients is obviously enhanced, so that the time for slaughtering is relatively shortened. Thereby increasing the return on feed.
3 Reasons for choosing this standard
From breastfeeding to feed, at least 600g of feed intake is required, and the gastrointestinal tract can gradually adapt to the feed, so as to minimize the damage of the weaning stress to the pig industry. Many pig farms blindly decide the weaning time of their pig farm pigs according to the teachings of others, which causes a large post-weaning stress of suckling pigs, resulting in increased mortality, stagnant growth, etc., and ultimately the overall economic benefits are not To the guarantee.
The establishment of this standard guarantees the maximum economic benefit of the pig farm.
4 Specific calculation of the impact of different products on pig farms
Any use of the teaching materials on the pig farm must be weaned after the cumulative feed intake of the suckling pigs is 600g. Otherwise, the fragile gastrointestinal tract is not suitable for the feed because of insufficient feed intake. After weaning, the feed intake in the first 3 days is very high. Low, showing growth stagnation; feed intake is slightly larger, because the gastrointestinal tract is not adapted, manifested as dehydration and diarrhea, resulting in strong weaning stress, the comprehensive benefit of the farm is not good.
4.1 Saving lactating sow feed
Assume that A and B feed materials, A feed for 600g/head requires 27d; B feed for 600g/head takes 28d, 1d in advance, which means that the sow can complete this with 27d breastfeeding time. The task of the production cycle is to save 1d of lactating sow feed. Based on the current price of feed ingredients, the lactating sows consume at least 18 yuan of feed before weaning, which means that the value of the A material is more than 18 yuan/6kg per unit of feed because of the feed of the suckling sow. 600g, calculated according to 10 times per birth), that is, 600g/head per 1d in advance, A material is 3 yuan/kg more than B material.
4.2 Saving empty piglets
According to the algorithm of Article 1, the sow is weaned, the pressure of milk secretion is reduced, and the weight loss is reduced. It can be estrus for at least 1 day in advance, that is, the feed consumed for 1 day is reduced in the empty period. According to the current price of feed ingredients, the empty mother is calculated. Pigs consume at least 12 yuan of feed per day, that is, 600g/head of feed per 1d in advance, and A material is 2 yuan/kg more than B material.
4.3 Shorten the ineffective survival time of sows and increase the turnover rate of pig farms
Pig breeding in pig farms is counted as cost assessment, so shortening the sow's breastfeeding time and empty time will reduce the overall cost of the pig farm. According to pregnancy 114d, 28d weaning, 5d after estrus calculation, each cycle needs 147d, annual turnover 2.48 births. Each child saves 2d, saving 5d per year, and the pig farm shortens the cost by 1.4%. Including feed, labor, energy consumption, equipment depreciation, etc., according to each sow consumes 5,500 yuan per year, of which 70% of the total cost of feed, in addition to feed, can also save 9 yuan / parity, that is, each advance 1d cumulative intake of 600g / head, A material than the value of B material 1.5 yuan / kg.
4.4 Early release, saving fattening pig feed
As long as weaning under the condition of 600g/head cumulative feeding, every 1d weaning, the finishing pigs reach the same weight, which can save 4d time. According to the current feed material price, at least 3kg of feed will be consumed in the late fattening period, the total value is 30 Yuan, that is, every time 1d in advance, 600g/head is fed, and A material is 5 yuan/kg more than B material.
4.5 Reduce the risk of raising pigs, increase the turnover rate of funds, and reduce other costs
Accumulate the above 5 major benefits, A and B feeds, 600g/head in advance 1d, the value is: 3+2+1.5+5=11.5 yuan/kg. That is to say, assuming that the price of B material is 6,000 yuan / t, the price of A material is 17 500 yuan / t, so that for the farm, to obtain equal economic benefits. If you can do both A and B feeds, and eat 600g/head in 2d in advance, then the difference is 23 yuan/kg, and the price of A material is 29,000 yuan/t, so that for the farm, you get an equal economy. benefit. This may be the reason and motivation for the feed enterprise technicians to dig into the best teaching materials.
5 The earliest 600g cumulative feed intake, the intrinsic quality requirements of the feed
5.1 High palatability
Improving palatability is one of the key factors for suckling pigs to reach 600g/head cumulatively. For suckling pigs, palatability has a very important impact, because the transition from breastfeeding to eating is very large. In addition to being sensitive to salty and sweet taste, piglets that are breast-feeding are not sensitive to other tastes. Therefore, only by improving the palatability of the feed, it is possible to induce the suckling pigs to feed more solid feed, achieving the goal of completing the cumulative intake of 600g/head.
In order to improve palatability, there are commonly used measures such as: using high salt content, using high amounts of sucrose, thoroughly ripening the feed, moderate Maillard reaction, increasing fat and baking, reducing moisture and increasing crispness.
5.2 High digestibility
Even if the feed is very palatable, if you don't like digestion after eating the feed, it will affect the secondary feeding. Therefore, the digestibility of the feed is the second key factor affecting the cumulative feed intake, except for the use of plasma protein powder and whole egg powder. In addition to high digestibility feed ingredients such as fishmeal and intestinal protein, common plant protein raw materials such as soybean meal and puffed soybeans can be thoroughly matured or fermented to increase their digestibility. This also creates opportunities to improve the processing of feed. The excellent processing technology has a remarkable effect in improving the digestion and utilization rate of conventional raw materials.
5.3 Feed high energy
The suckling pig stage is different from other growth stages, and the feed intake is inversely proportional to the feed energy; at this stage, the feed digestion energy is in the range of 5,000 kcal/kg, and the feed intake increases with the increase of energy. Therefore, in the range of acceptable costs, maximizing feed energy is one of the key tips for improving feed intake. Because feed intake with a large feed intake has sufficient economic value, improving energy is a program that will bring more benefits. This requires widespread promotion by market personnel and will be widely accepted.
5.4 Rapid development of the gastrointestinal tract
Considering the comprehensive teaching feed, not only to provide nutrition, improve palatability and digestion, it is important to provide the nutrition needed for rapid development of the gastrointestinal tract. Because the development rate of the gastrointestinal tract is more than 1 times that of the body tissue within 1 month after birth, the development of the gastrointestinal tract during this period is critical for the subsequent fattening, so the excellent teaching material, the gastrointestinal tract Nutritional development has an important influence. The development of the gastrointestinal tract is good, and the digestion ability of the feed is also strong, and the cumulative feed intake will be high in the short term.
Gastrointestinal development requires high amounts of fat, small molecular fatty acids (formic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid), glutamine, and intestinal membrane proteins. Therefore, these raw materials should be considered adequately in feed.
In the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to colonize healthy beneficial strains, such as lactic acid bacteria, Streptococcus faecalis, etc., in order to have a strong health condition. This will have sufficient cushioning and resistance to changes in the external environment. In view of the environmental conditions required for beneficial strains, oligosaccharides are a bright spot in the teachings.
5.5 Good anti-diarrhea performance
Once diarrhea occurs during lactation and the intestinal mucosa is damaged, it is inevitable that the cumulative feed intake will be maximized in a short period of time. Therefore, the design of a comprehensive teaching material must take into account the protection of the gastrointestinal mucosa and reduce the incidence of diarrhea. The addition of zinc oxide to feed is one of the most commonly used means.
Based on the above introduction, in order to shorten the time of accumulating 600g/head feed, the overall quality requirements for the teaching material are relatively demanding. Therefore, we propose to use this indicator to measure the quality of the teaching material used in pig sites. With the advancement of the scale of the pig industry, this indicator will surely become a key indicator for measuring the quality of the teaching material at home.
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