Introduction to the foreline pump

The foreline pump is a vacuum pump used to maintain the pressure at the anterior stage of a vacuum pump below its pre-critical pressure level. Such as Roots pump configuration before the rotary vane pump or pump is the forefront pump. Use of the foreline pump: The term forepump in the vacuum un

Pig feed fat addition technology

1, fat addition and feeding effect Thii China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Add 2% to 3% to the piglet feed, increase the weight gain by

Walking from the market into the group of hardware fasteners by standard walk

International fastener products have two sets of relatively independent standard systems of metric and imperial standards. The metric standard is the European standard system, which is based on the international ISO, the European Community EN standard and the French DIN standard. The America

Chlorinated benzene after the market warm

With the start of the end of last year, the market started to rebound in the domestic chlorinated benzene market. The author expects that in the context of continuous upsurges of internal and external disks, low domestic chlorinated benzene inventory, increase