Zhengzhou's industrial transformation and upgrading achieved remarkable results. Super-hard industry captured the international market.

In the new normal state, in the face of complex and severe macroeconomic situation, the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, put forward the position of stabilizing growth, maintaining the situation and increasing the stamina in the overall position of the work, and vigorously promoted Industry transformation and upgrading, to transform into vitality, to turn...
Under the new normal, in the face of the complicated and severe macroeconomic situation, the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, put forward the position of stabilizing growth, maintaining the situation, and increasing the stamina in the overall position of the work, and vigorously promoting the industry. Transforming and upgrading, moving towards transformation, promoting development through transformation, and continuously improving the comprehensive strength of Zhengzhou's economic development.

On September 15, the reporter learned from the Zhengzhou Industrial and Information Technology Committee that since 2014, Zhengzhou's industrial economic work has closely focused on the strategic positioning of the “Three Big Ones and One China”, and actively grasped the new normal of economic development, further raising the coordinates and causing difficulties. Attacking the hard, focusing on making large-scale increments, adjusting and optimizing stocks, and making solid progress in industrial transformation and upgrading.

Structural adjustments have shown results. In 2014, Zhengzhou's four strategic industries accounted for 47% of the industry, up 3 percentage points over the previous year. The proportion of the six high-energy-consuming industries fell to 42%, down 3 percentage points from the previous year. The drop rate reached 6 percentage points. For the first time, the proportion of strategic industries surpassed the high-energy-consuming industries, marking a milestone in the adjustment of industrial structure in Zhengzhou. In the first half of this year, the proportion of strategic industries in the industry increased by 3 percentage points year-on-year, and the proportion of high-energy-consuming industries decreased by 3 percentage points year-on-year. On the basis of last year, the rate of “one rise and one drop” reached 6 percentage points, industrial structure. The adjustment range is large, ranking among the top 27 cities in the country and 35 large and medium-sized cities.

The growth rate has moved forward significantly. In 2014, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhengzhou increased by 11.2%, ranking the 9th in 27 provincial capitals and the 10th in 35 large and medium-sized cities, respectively, and moved 8 and 10 respectively compared with 2013. In the first half of this year, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhengzhou increased by 10.1%, 3.8 percentage points higher than the national level, 1.6 percentage points higher than the province. The growth rate ranked third among the 18 provincial cities, up 15 places year-on-year; ranked 3rd among 27 provincial capital cities, 11 times ahead of the previous year; ranked 4th among 35 large and medium-sized cities, up 13 Bit.

The total number has leapt to the forefront of the country. In 2014, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhengzhou City was 309.4 billion yuan, ranking 5th among 27 provincial capital cities and 11th among 35 large and medium-sized cities. The total output value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 1.35 trillion yuan. The capital of the six provinces was the first city, with Wuhan surpassing the second place of 177.3 billion yuan, jumping to the third place in 27 provincial capital cities and jumping to the ninth place in 35 large and medium cities. In the first half of this year, the industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhengzhou completed an added value of 150.1 billion yuan, and the total number jumped to the fourth place in 27 provincial capital cities, and jumped to the 10th place in 35 large and medium-sized cities.

Industrial competitiveness has been significantly enhanced. At present, there are 1,909 R&D centers above the city level in Zhengzhou, including 564 provincial-level and 34 national-level; and 736 municipal-level technological innovation demonstration pilot enterprises in Zhengzhou, including 351 provincial and 33 national. Effectively improved the ability of industrial development and innovation. In 2014, the added value of high-tech industries in Zhengzhou increased by 20.3%, which was 9.1 percentage points higher than the industrial growth rate of Zhengzhou. Nearly 100 new energy buses developed by Yutong Company are promoted and applied in cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Qingdao, and the domestic market share is as high as 35%. The large-scale shield machine developed and produced by China Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. has a domestic market share of more than 40% and has become the world's largest shield machine enterprise. The palletizing robot developed by Opa has a domestic market share of more than 70%. Zhengzhou's super-hard materials and equipment account for nearly 60% of the global market share and more than 80% of the national market share.

The two-in-one fusion takes precedence. The construction of the national-level two-integration test zone has achieved phased results. The Zhengzhou City's two-integration integration index has increased by an average of 3.5 per year, reaching 75 in the first half of this year, ranking the country's advanced level. Successfully selected into a national-level Internet backbone direct-linking city, the construction of information consumption pilot cities accelerated. In 2014, Zhengzhou’s information consumption reached 36 billion yuan, reaching 23 billion yuan in the first half of this year, up 25% year-on-year, and is becoming a new economic growth point.

Zhengzhou regards industry as the main front for stabilizing growth, maintaining the situation, and increasing the stamina. It is pressing and urging, seeking truth and efficiency, formulating and implementing a series of policies and measures combining long-term and short-term combination, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, increasing the proportion of added value of strategic industries, and actively guiding The transformation of high-energy-consuming industries will accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, and set an example for the province's industry to accelerate its upgrade to mid-to-high end.

Optimize regional layout and strengthen industrial support. First, clear industry positioning. Scientifically established seven major industrial leading industries, such as automobile and equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials, biology and medicine, aluminum and aluminum deep processing, modern food manufacturing, home and brand clothing manufacturing, and solved the problem of “developing what industry” in Zhengzhou City. . The second is to optimize the industrial layout. In accordance with the principle of “one district, one main business”, the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government support each county (city, district) to focus on the development of one or two leading industries. Each industrial cluster focuses on developing one leading industry and solves the problem of “industry in Where is the problem of development? The third is to accelerate the development of leading industries. The study issued the "Opinions on Deepening the Implementation of Open and Innovative Dual-Drive Strategy to Accelerate the Process of New Industrialization", and focused on building a modern industrial system that is guided by strategic emerging industries, with strategic support industries as the mainstay and based on traditional superior industries. Solved the long-term problem of how Zhengzhou industry will transform and upgrade in the future. In the first half of the year, the industrial added value of the seven leading industries increased by 12.7% year-on-year, which was higher than the average growth rate of Zhengzhou City by 2.6 percentage points, which provided strong support for Zhengzhou's industrial transformation and upgrading.
Pei's introduction to the outside world, and the development of stamina. First, vigorously cultivate strategic enterprises. Focusing on 23 industrial strategic enterprises, establishing a leadership subcontracting mechanism, and setting up 23 promotion groups, researching and formulating the "one enterprise, one policy" project, improving the enterprise problem account, coordinating and solving enterprise problems, and accelerating the promotion of strategic enterprises. Strong. In the first half of the year, 23 industrial strategic enterprises in Zhengzhou completed an output value of 162.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15%. The second is to strengthen investment in industrial clusters. In accordance with the principle of “replenishing chain, extending chain and strong chain”, we will continue to carry out a series of activities such as the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Rim, the investment and auto parts and components, the 100 billion-level home, and the industrial transfer docking. In 2014, the contracted amount exceeded 200 billion yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, a number of strategic industrial projects such as Haige Communication, China Railway Express, Oriental Jiasheng and Guangyi Technology have been successfully signed. In the 2015 Henan-Shanghai industrial transfer docking event, Zhengzhou signed a contract amount of 74.56 billion yuan, accounting for three provinces. More than one, ranking first in the province. In the first half of the year, the contracted amount reached 108.6 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 200 billion yuan for the whole year. The third is to speed up the construction of industrial projects. In 2014, there were 126 new construction projects in Zhengzhou, with a working rate of 126%; 122 new completion projects with a completion rate of 122%. In the first half of this year, industrial investment was 76.01 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%, and the growth rate ranked fourth among 27 provincial capital cities. 36 projects including four-dimensional robots and intelligent equipment, Yugang International Medical Science and Technology Park started construction, with a working rate of 106% in the first half of the year; 112 continuous projects such as Dongfeng Nissan's 300,000 complete vehicles and Antu Biological In Vitro Diagnostic Industrial Park are progressing smoothly; 27 projects including China Resources Snow Beer and Xufeng Auto Parts were completed, and the completion rate in the first half of the year was 108%. Since 2014, among the newly started and completed projects, the number of seven leading industrial projects accounted for more than 95%, the number of strategic industrial projects was nearly 80%, the investment structure was significantly optimized, and the investment efficiency was significantly improved, which laid a solid foundation for Zhengzhou's industrial transformation and upgrading. basis.

Promote the integration of the two industries and promote information consumption. The first is to promote the construction of the two-integration experimental zone. Formulate and organize the implementation of the "Zhengzhou City National Informationization and Industrialization Integration Experimental Zone Construction Implementation Plan" and "Zhengzhou City to promote the informatization and industrialization deep integration implementation plan", Zhengzhou City, the national-level two-integration test area comprehensive evaluation ranked first in the country Five people were highly recognized by the four ministries and commissions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The second is to implement a two-in-one demonstration project. Three companies, such as Xiangxinli, were approved as pilot enterprises for national Internet and industrial integration innovation, and a number of enterprises such as Yunhe Software were approved to pilot provincial-level industrial cloud innovation services. Driven by demonstration projects, we will speed up the promotion and application of modern information technology in traditional enterprises, and establish e-commerce service platforms in six industries, including pumps, valves, textiles and clothing, and identify 68 e-commerce demonstration enterprises. The third is to accelerate the construction of information consumption cities. Formulate and organize the implementation of the “Zhengzhou City National Information Consumption Pilot City Implementation Plan” to accelerate the construction of broadband Zhengzhou, and the urban cable coverage rate reached 100%. The pilot project of national three networks integration in Zhengzhou City was promoted, and the number of cable TV users in the city reached 1.2 million. As the first 4G network construction city, Zhengzhou took the lead in realizing 4G commercialization in the province and leading the country.

Optimize the production structure and promote green development. First, vigorously eliminate backward production capacity. Strengthen target management, highlight departmental linkages, strictly control the growth of “two highs and one low” industry, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity in paper, cement, ferroalloy, glass and other industries, and successively eliminate 2.672 million tons of backward production capacity. The second is to actively resolve excess capacity. Efforts will be made to resolve the excess capacity of alumina, support the industrial chain of electrolytic aluminum enterprises, and develop aluminum precision processing terminal products such as high-precision aluminum foil and high-hardness aluminum alloy; guide steel enterprises to produce high-value-added products such as ultra-thin sheets and high-speed wires, and improve enterprises. Competitiveness. The third is to pay close attention to industrial energy conservation and consumption reduction. In recent years, 177 energy-saving technological transformation projects have been implemented, and 68 resource comprehensive utilization enterprises have been identified. The annual utilization of various waste slags such as fly ash and coal gangue is more than 4 million tons. In 2014, 27 products were rated as energy-saving products in Henan Province, 18 products were listed in the provincial promotion catalogue of industrial energy-saving products, and 3 companies including Tianrui Group were identified as clean production demonstration enterprises in Henan Province. The consumption dropped by 16.2%, exceeding the target tasks assigned by the provincial government.

Implement innovation drive and enhance innovation capabilities. The first is to improve the innovation system. The administrative measures for the city-level enterprise technology center in Zhengzhou City were revised, the application for national and provincial-level technological innovation demonstration pilot enterprises was carried out, and the construction of industrial public technology research and development and design platforms was promoted, further enhancing the industry's ability to innovate and develop. The second is to promote cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes. Organize Tsinghua University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northeastern University and other universities and research institutes to deepen the connection with enterprises, set up a platform for cooperation in industry, academia and research, and carry out joint research on key technologies of commonality. Since 2014, a total of 23 projects in Zhengzhou have won the Provincial Science and Technology Achievement Award. Yutong's “Deep Hybrid Bus R&D and Industrialization” project has received national industrial technology research and development funding support, and Zhengzhou Rapid Manufacturing (3D Printing) application has been established. Demonstration center. The third is to promote brand cultivation. Encourage the establishment of regional brand pilots for brand cultivation pilot enterprises and industrial clusters. A number of enterprises such as Yutong Bus and Xinfangfang Heavy Industry were rated as national industrial brand cultivation pilot enterprises. Mazhai Industrial Cluster and Zhengzhou High-tech Zone were rated as provincial industrial clusters. Regional brand building pilot area.

Highlight planning guidance and strengthen policy support. We will conscientiously implement the national and provincial industrial transformation and upgrading plans, and formulate key industry development plans and related policies in light of their own realities, strengthen guidance and support, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. In 2014, the company developed and developed two industrial clusters for electronic information, automobile and equipment manufacturing, intelligent terminal, new energy vehicle power battery and other key components, super hard materials and new refractory materials. The new energy vehicle charging and replacing infrastructure layout plan and the new energy automobile industry promotion project were formulated. In the first half of this year, 10 plans and projects including 100 billion-level information software and manufacturing industry clusters, 100 billion IoT industrial clusters, and 100 billion-level amorphous industrial clusters were formulated and implemented. At present, the “13th Five-Year Plan” for key industries such as smart manufacturing equipment and biomedicine is being organized to further accelerate the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading in Zhengzhou.

Next, Zhengzhou City will actively implement the national “Belt and Road” strategy around the decision-making arrangements of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, and implement the “Made in China 2025” to strengthen the industrial transformation and upgrading. By 2020, the total industrial added value of Zhengzhou City will be increased. Strive to break through 1 trillion yuan, the total industrial output value will strive to break through 4 trillion yuan; the proportion of Zhengzhou's strategic industries will increase to over 70%, and the proportion of the six high-energy-consuming industries will be reduced to less than 20%. The leader of the army has contributed to the construction of Henan's advanced manufacturing province and the realization of the rise of the Central Plains.

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