Radish skillfully applied boron fertilizer to ensure high yield

For base fertilizer, when the radish is sowed, mix the fine soil with boric acid, mix well and sieve, then apply it as a base fertilizer into the seed ditch or seed hole. Or mix the radish seeds into the dry fine soil mixed with boron fertilizer, mix well and sprinkle into the seed ditch and seed holes.

Seed dressing, stir the fine soil with water and boric acid into a thin paste, and then stalk the radish seeds after seed dressing with the new high-fat film introduced in the “Agricultural Taobao Guide” to keep warm, moisturize and swell, and improve the germination rate of the seeds. Make the seedlings strong. Repel underground pests and isolate viral infections.

Top dressing, in the field of boron deficiency, from the emergence of 2 - 3 true leaves of radish to about 15 days before harvest, with 80 - 100 grams of boric acid solution + plant electronic fertilizer sprayed in the evening in sunny days, every 15 - 20 days to spray once. The water content of the soil in the management field should be between 60% and 80%. The soil drought will affect the absorption of boron by the radish. If you encounter rainy weather or heavy rain, you should drain the water in time to ensure that no water remains in the field during the seedling period.
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