Qingdao municipal staff wears hard hat

Starting in 2014, Qingdao City will implement the municipal engineering management personnel and workers in uniform. Project management personnel and workers entering the construction site of municipal engineering must wear helmets and work clothes in a unified manner; night construction workers must wear reflective vests.

According to the “Notice on Uniform Dressing of Municipal Management Personnel and Workers” issued by the Municipal Public Works Administration of Qingdao, safety helmets and work clothes must be identified with the company name. Among them, the helmet logo is on the top, and the overall logo is on the front left chest position and back position. Differences in the color of the helmet, the construction unit is red; the supervision unit is white; the construction unit management personnel is yellow; the worker is blue. The color style of the work clothes is determined by the company's combination with the corporate culture. The color of the work clothes of the security staff should be yellow. Reflective vests are made of red mesh cloth and highlight reflective lattice belts, and must have better reflective and warning effects. The construction site management personnel shall also wear a post badge at the construction site, indicating the company name, name, post name, and qualification certificate number.

Safety helmets, work clothes, reflective vests, and post badges are uniformly purchased by various units as required and distributed to various project departments. For projects started after January 1, 2014, when the project is started, the project department shall timely release helmets, work clothes, reflective vests, etc. to each management personnel and urge them to wear them consciously. The projects that have already commenced work now require that they be in place before January 1, 2014, and be properly dressed.

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