Occupational skin diseases that cannot be ignored

Everyone has a heart of beauty, and the skin is often the ghost that haunts the beauty of beauty. How many young men and women are troubled by acne, and many patients with skin diseases go around for reasons of seeking and seeking treatment, but often few people will think of the “killer” around the occupational harmful factors.

What is occupational skin disease

Occupational skin disease refers to the dermatitis caused by exposure to chemical, physical, biological and other occupational harmful factors in the production process as the main cause of the disease. With the advancement of science and technology, there are more and more opportunities for people to contact with new chemical substances and new materials in the production process, and the occupational dermatological problems caused by this are becoming more and more common. According to reports, in some production processes, workers exposed to chemicals such as chlorophenols, tars, mechanical lubricating oils, oils, and paraffins may have an occupational acne rate of more than 15%; they are engaged in carbon black production. Among the workers, the incidence of occupational acne was as high as 60%. Occupational skin disease has become one of the most common occupational diseases in China.

Clinical types and causes of occupational dermatoses

According to the common clinical manifestations and major causes of occupational dermatitis, occupational skin diseases can be roughly classified into the following categories:

1. Occupational dermatitis. Including contact dermatitis, photosensitive dermatitis, electro-optic dermatitis, radioactive dermatitis and other types. Mainly due to exposure to toxic substances such as chemical substances, ultraviolet rays, and radiation.

2. Occupational skin pigmentation changes. Including occupational dermatosis and occupational leukoplakia, two categories, of which occupational dermatosis mainly refers to a long-term exposure to coal tar, petroleum products, rubber additives, certain pigments, dyes and intermediates, etc. A special type of chronic skin pigmentation-based skin disease. Occupational leukoplakia refers to the skin depigmentation caused by prolonged exposure to phenylphenol, alkylphenols and other chemicals.

3. Occupational acne. It refers to acne-like lesions caused by coal tar, chloride, and the like.

4. Occupational ulcers. Refers to bird eye-type ulcers caused by chromium, strontium, arsenic and other compounds.

5. Professionalism. Refers to long-term contact with asphalt, tar, shale oil, etc. at the site of contact with flat warts, vulgaris or papilloma-like lesions.

6. others. Including occupational hyperkeratosis, cleft palate, professional prurigo, occupational dipping, erosion, occupational hair changes, occupational nail changes, etc. It is mainly caused by various chemical and biological factors.

Diagnosis and treatment of occupational skin diseases

Because there are many occupational dermatological factors and clinical manifestations are different, often the same pathogenic factors can cause different clinical manifestations, and the same clinical manifestations can be caused by different pathogenic factors. And most occupational skin diseases have no specific clinical manifestations, so they are easily misdiagnosed and missed clinically. Therefore, it is recommended that suspicious patients must go to the local occupational disease prevention and treatment center as soon as possible.

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