Look at the picture decoration knowledge so that all decoration "so easy!"

Look at the graph decoration knowledge Let decoration everything "so easy"!

1, do not do the head of the shoe partition, leave a little space so that the gray shoes can leak to the bottom, installed above the sink and gas stove lights. When determining the location of a bathroom floor drain, you must first think about it and measure the size. The floor drain is best located on one side of the brick. If it is in the middle of the brick, the floor drain will not be the lowest point regardless of how the brick is inclined.

Look at the graph decoration knowledge Let decoration everything "so easy"!

2, bathroom, air conditioning socket are not designed switch. Especially bathroom electric water heaters, with a two-stage switch with a plug is appropriate. If you want to turn off the electric heat, it is dangerous to pull the plug.

Renovation lighting fixtures Shoe cabinet Cement paint Glass switch Air conditioner Price Kitchen door decoration Living room decoration partition Glass bricks Kitchen door partition Cabinet Floor tiles Doors Doors Doors Glass Doors Kitchen glass Sliding doors Bathroom tiles Bathroom doors Bathroom doors Size Toilets Waterproof Price Bathroom size Toilets Partitioned Bathroom Design Toilet Waterproof Tiles Tile Price Floor Tiles Kitchen Tiles

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