Four Principles of Rational Fertilization of Tomatoes

Tomato is very sensitive to fertilizer. When topdressing, you should master the principle of “one control, two promotion, three spray, and four bogey”.
One control: During the period before the tomato is planted until the fruit is set, it should be seen that the seedlings are topdressed and the amount of topdressing is controlled. If the topdressing is too much and too concentrated, it will easily cause the plants to grow up, and even cause the flowers to fall. Therefore, in addition to the serious shortage of plants, it is generally necessary to control the amount of topdressing, and slightly apply dilute or biochemical organic fertilizer.
Second promotion: Tomato young fruit period and harvest period should be heavy topdressing to promote its growth and development. When the first ear fruit grows to the size of the walnut, it is necessary to quickly apply the quick-acting fertilizer 1 or 2 times, generally applying a concentration of 30% human excrement or 5% sulfur compound fertilizer leachate to ensure that the plant does not lose fertilizer. After the young fruit enters the expansion, in order to meet the growth needs of the plant and avoid the later de-fertilization, the method of diligence and fierce protection should be adopted. Generally, the human feces or 5% sulfur-containing compound is applied at a concentration of 40% every 10 days on a sunny day. Fat leachate.
Three sprays: Tomato not only absorbs nutrients from the soil from the roots, but also absorbs mineral nutrients from the leaves to promote the development of fruits and seeds. Therefore, during the fruit growth period, especially when the continuous continuous rainy season can not carry out the soil topdressing, the foliar fertilizer should be sprayed 2~3 times, and the biochemical organic liquid fertilizer can be sprayed 300-500 times, and the chelating multi-component composite micro-fertilizer 500 can also be used. Spraying liquid to improve the quality of the tomato.
Four bogey: tomato topdressing avoids the soil in the case of wet and noon high temperature, and avoid excessive concentration of fertilization. Concentrated fertilization tends to make the plants grow long and produce fertilizer damage; fertilization in the soil is easy to cause physiological diseases such as falling flowers, defoliation and fruit drop; fertilization under high temperature conditions, the water evaporation of the leaves of the plants is large, which will affect the exertion of fertilizer efficiency. In addition, the fertilization time should avoid the high temperature period, preferably in the morning or evening.
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