Dilute pesticides away from "hard water"

Water has hard water and soft water. Hard water refers to water containing a lot of calcium, magnesium, etc., such as well water, salt water, sea water, etc., and the hardness is generally 18 to 20 degrees. This type of water is not available for pesticide dilution.

If the pesticide is diluted with water, the calcium, magnesium and other substances contained in the water can reduce the suspension rate of the wettable agent or the emulsifier in the emulsifiable concentrate to synthesize the calcium and magnesium precipitate, thereby destroying the emulsification performance of the emulsifiable concentrate, which not only reduces the prevention and control of the pesticide. The effect, but also the phytotoxicity.

Soft water refers to fresh water such as river water and lake water. It contains less calcium and magnesium and its hardness is about 7.5 degrees. It does not destroy the performance of the agent and reduce the control effect.

The Farmers Daily (August 19, 2011, 06 edition)
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Optical Analysis Machines

Optical Microscopy
In optical microscopy different filters are used to improve contrast and emphasize specific features based on material properties. This can be achieved with magnifications typically ranging from 2.5 times up to 1,000 times. In materialography, reflected light is the most commonly used type of light optical microscopy. Transmitted optical microscopy is also used, but mainly for mineralogy specimens.

Stereo Optical Microscopy
The stereo microscope is an optical microscope variant, designed for low magnification observation of a specimen, using the light reflected from the specimen surface.

Scanning Electron Microscopy
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that produces images of a specimen by scanning the specimen surface with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with the atoms in the specimen, producing various signals that can be translated into information about the surface topography and the composition of the specimen.

Transmission Electron Microscopy
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) uses a beam of electrons transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen and that interacts with the specimen as it passes through it. Generated signals can be translated into various types of information, including information on the type and orientation of individual crystals.

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